Welcome to OMAEC's official web site

World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education


The new Peruvian Catholic Education Alumni Confederation is now a reality; thanks to the coordination work of Mrs. Lucía Díaz and with the support of OMAEC and UNAEC America, a temporary Board of Directors has been constituted for one year period, with representation from different Alumni Associations of various Religious Congregations.

The Council is made up of the following members:

President:           Adolfo Sobrevilla (Marianists)

Vice President:   Fernando de Souza (Marist)

Secretary:           Mariella Aurazo (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians)

Treasurer:          Danitza Leyva (Conceptionists)

Member:            Ivan Salvatierra (Salesians Don Bosco)

Member:            Mildred Casanave (Saint Michael)

Prosecutor:        Diego Larrosa (Marists)

The participants were very enthusiastic and ready to start the activities of the Confederation as soon as possible. In the next few days, Lucía Diaz will hand-over the existing documentation of Omaec Peru, as well as request an appointment with Monsignor Adriano Tomasi, Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, in order to make the corresponding presentation before Peru’s ecclesiastical authority.

OMAEC and UNAEC America are delighted with this good news and encourage other countries to take similar action.

