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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

message from CONFAEEC Argentina

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The board of directors of CONFAEEC – Argentinean Confederation of Former Students of Catholic Education – repudiate the attitude of the members of the Buenos Aires legislature, whom in the midst of the going trough pandemic in the country, and having issues of crucial importance, where many essential workers risk their lives to save others, we regret that they have devoted their time to approve the protocol of the ILE which contradicts the constitutional guarantees of the unborn human being.

We consider that project as immoral, illegitimate and unconstitutional that would put a veneer of law on thousands of murders.

Those who fought to get that protocol sanctioned never thought, if their mothers had aborted them, they wouldn’t be sitting in those chairs that were given to them by the people.

We accompany with our prayers those legislators who had the courage to vote against and those who abstained from participating in such a protocol.

May God and country demand, it!

We ask Jesus Christ, the source of all reason and justice, to enlighten their minds and inflame their hearts with a true love of life.

 María Teresa Acro                                                               María Mercedes Tombacco

 President                                                                               General Secretary

(Mercedarían Sisters Alumnae)                                (Argentinean Ezclavian Sisters Alumnae)

Management Commission:

Alú, Eduardo (Marist Brothers Alumni)

Vivares, Stella Maris (Mary Help of Christians Alumnae)

García Richard, Evangelina (Sisters of Our Lady of Calvary Alumnae)

Marinoni, Hugo (Salesian Fathers Alumni)

Reginatto, Susana (Mercedarian Sisters Alumnae)

Mariani, Nélida (Mercedarian Sisters Alumnae)

Durini, Santiago ( Lourdes Alumni)

