Welcome to OMAEC's official web site

World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

emergency: MOZAMBIQUE

Mangunde is an area or circumscription, located on the outskirts of the SOFALA region in the African country of Mozambique. He has a delegation in the OMAEC (World Organization of Pupils of Catholic Schools) where the Correspondent is Mr. José Zacarias. Together with the local parish, it has developed several social activities, with specific interventions for orphans and vulnerable children, elderly, widows, AIDS patients, physical or mentally handicapped. This area has a total of about 15,000 inhabitants, mostly women, of whom a significant part are “singular” (or single-parent), that is, live separated from their spouses for adverse reasons. The level of unemployment is alarming, affecting almost the entire population, which survives from agricultural and livestock practices (domestic animals). And since these last 3 years have been unproductive due to the absence of rainfall, society is suffering disastrous consequences, as it had never been lived. People have come to sell everything to buy food.20160907_113219_opt

This severe drought has produced a widespread and alarming famine that is brutally attacking children, women and the elderly, who are the most fragile strata of society. As a result, many children and adolescents left the school and their homes; Increased begging, violence and robberies in communities; Many marriages were broken; Many marriages and pregnancies, among other very serious situations, arose – prematurely and unexpectedly.

With the increase of the emergency due to hunger, particularly in recent days, in the morning, crowds of children and older women, provided with tools (hoes …) doing any cleaning work in exchange for some cereals to eat . Quite a few families have stopped having the only daily food they had, consuming precarious, completely “non-human” foods … like wild plants, tubers, which are normally consumed by wild animals. This alternative of food represents a great risk and danger for health and life, since most of them contain products quite toxic, and outside the control of the Sanitary structures.fila

 Campaign «The Sea is made of drops»

The situation is so critical and regrettable because, at the same time, it is associated with the highest inflation in the last 25 years. Food prices are rising every day. People need help and cry out for urgent relief to minimize the impact of this calamity, already constituted by several cases of acute malnutrition and even deaths. On behalf of the people of Mangunde, I ask the representatives of the OMAEC of all the countries of the world to mobilize a Food Campaign of fraternal solidarity (food or money) called “The Sea is made of drops” , That can be channeled to this region, mainly in the next 3 months, to rescue these Populations, where extreme poverty is visible to the naked eye. We look forward to your cooperation and help.

NIB: 000100000013557360357

IBAN: MZ59000100000013557360357


Banco: BIM – Moçambique


