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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education



Confederation of Alumni Associations of Catholic Schools


(Florence 11 November 2016)

 The National Council of Confederex held a meeting in Florence, November 11, 2016, in the Church of the Sacred Family from Father Salesians, in Gioberti Street.

After the prayer, in which Don Joseph Turrin asked the Holy Spirit that the work in Confederex is always in the spirit of harmony, one touched the item on the agenda of the meeting, which regulated the Exortation Apostolic “Amoris Laetitia”, of which President Mrs. Liliana Beriozza proposed the organization of a seminar of studies according to the different particular elements concerning the document of the pastoral of the Pope and according to the specific objectives of Confederex: each advisor will make his indication.Lattuada Maffezzoli 1

Confederex had decided to be an observer in the OMAEEC, because there were serious difficulties in the statutes concerning the number of non – Catholic educators in Catholic schools and associations of high ancestries. More decisive, for the Pope has established the Dicaster of the Family, who will take care of the quarrel, and no longer the Dicastery of the Laity: consequently, the Council of Confederex, seeing this different working climate, An invitation from OMAEEC, decided to re – engage in a full – fledged role in OMAEEC

Mr. Giuseppe Mariano reported on the U.N.A.E.C .; Adv.Michele Mariano on the NL, National Consultation for the Adligations of the Laity, or is in the process of revising the role of each adgregation and also a stronger link with the regional and diocesan dimension.Beriozza Mariano

The Confederex Observer Observer in the Forum of Families.

Mrs. Rossella Scarpitti is no longer in the UNIEASC Council, but in the meantime, Mrs. Fedy Rossi Germani; Consequently, Mrs. Rossella Scarpitti is no longer Vice-President and the Council designates Mr. Giuseppe Mariano (Torino-Gesuiti), according to Mrs. Liliana Beriozza. Other Vice-Presidents are Adv.Michele Panajotti (Padova-Salesiani) and Prof.Maurizio Dossena (Piacenza and Emilia Romagna – lasalliani).

The Federation from F.M.A. Remains far from Confederex.

Was made a relationship on the regional territories: Mr. Claudio Andreoli for Triveneto, Mr. Maurizio Dossena for Emilia Romagna, Mr. Piergiorgio Maffezzoli for Toscana, Mr. Michele Calabrìa for Puglia. The Presidents of Sicily (very active) and Piemonte (not active) are not present; It is necessary to find a presence in the Capitale Roma and the Council of this role to Mrs. Fedy Rossi Germani.

The second meeting of Confederex will be in Sicily (Catania or Palermo) or Turin, in February or March 2017.

For the Council: Mr. Maurizio Dossena.



