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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

CONFAEEC Argentina – defense of LIFE

CONFAEEC – Catholic Education Alumni Argentinean Confederation – supports the march for life to be hold tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27.

Confederation members fully agree with this pro-life demonstration since we believe and support the idea that life begins at the very moment of conception. We also believe in the existence of one God creator God, and unique owner and lord of life and death.Francisco niño 1
If we believe that we are rational beings we can not be contradictory. We are move by the death of baby animals, but our human babies? do not have the right to live?, to enjoy parenting in a family? Human beings want to decide on the life of another human being, whom ultimately did not decide to come to the world by their own choice.
It is our fervent desire that this march be useful for a true awareness of whole society.
We ask the Creator God to enlighten our minds and light our hearts for a true love of neighbor.

