La Fraternité internationale SIGNUM FIDEI appartenant à La Salle est composée de plus de 1500 laïcs consacrés et faisant partie de communautés lasalliennes dans différents pays du monde. Son président est Claudio Baez (Chili) qui est aussi le correspondant de l’OMAEC au Chili ; il a organisé une Eucharistie internationale en ligne pour ce samedi (more…)
In countries where there is no National Confederation of Catholic Education Alumni/ae, the OMAEC appoints a Correspondent with the following main goals and scope: to represent the OMAEC in their country To disseminate and inform about OMAEC in their country. To promote the creation of a National Confederation in their country. The OMAEC is aware (more…)
The OMAEC Correspondent in Bolivia, Carlos Arroyo, has initiated the steps for the creation of a Bolivian Confederation of Former Students of Catholic Education. On 14 December 2022, a representation of former students from different religious congregations met: – Giancarla Quiroga (UCB) – Oscar Claros (Aleman Santa Maria) – Oscar González (LA Salle) – Oscar (more…)