Alberto Zanini, UNAEC-Europe

Dear friends, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that the Unaec Europe has a new Ecclesiastical Assistant. It’s Don Alberto Zanini, Salesian of Turin, whom I thank for having accepted this assignment. He has a great experience in Catholic schools. Can read your message HERE Best regards, Giuseppe Mariano, president UNAEC l’Europe (more…)

Bolivia Digna Foundation

WHO ARE WE? Bolivia Digna Foundation, is a non-governmental organization founded in 2006 at Cochabamba, Bolivia by  La Salle Alumni, with the aims of promote and defend the rights of children’s, adolescents, young people, elderly and social strata living in exclusion and poverty conditions. OUR VISION People living in situations of exclusion and poverty (particularly (more…)

General Curia of the Society of Jesús

The new General Superior of the Jesuits sends a letter to OMAEC: Dear José Antonio, Thank you very much for your letter, which, as president of OMAEC, you addresses to me on the occasion of my appointment as Superior General of the Society of Jesus. I also ask the Lord to give new impetus every (more…)

From our Correspondent in Thailand

The OMAEC Correspondent in Thailand Mr. Voravit Chansiri informs us of the project to set up OMAEC offices in Bangkok, thanks to the support of the Sarasa Schools; Also proposes a special logo. Our congratulations for your constant work.

Brazil – The Past Pupils of America hold their first regional meeting

(ANS – Sao Paulo) – The past pupils are the fruit of the Salesian mission and a force that leavens the world. They have a unique passport, which is the education received. They are a force that cannot remain without a voice, without a pulse to transform society,” writes Fr José Pastor, former World Delegate for (more…)

Meeting in Zambia

Angel Gudiña, Vice-President of OMAEC and our Correspondent in South Africa-Botswana-Swaziland-Lesotho-Namibia, Polydor Lokombe Sungu, held a meeting in Zambia to share ideas on the strategic plan of OMAEC


CONFEDEREX   Confederation of Alumni Associations of Catholic Schools NOTICE ON THE MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (Florence 11 November 2016)  The National Council of Confederex held a meeting in Florence, November 11, 2016, in the Church of the Sacred Family from Father Salesians, in Gioberti Street. After the prayer, in which Don Joseph Turrin (more…)

233 Testimonies – CCIC-

In this book there are 241 testimonies from many countries that talk about Catholic Education. People related to the OMAEC have collaborated in this edition providing their testimony. You can download the book from HERE    

SOS from Mozambique

DESPITE DROUGHT continues HOPE ALIVE DAY BEST Sofala, Mozambique. Mangunde region, Chibabava district, Sofala province lives the worst case scenario of drought and widespread famine in human history of this century, derived from the El Niño phenomenon, which has already caused damage to more communities. This situation is punished directly to the 10,000 inhabitants of (more…)


Members from OMAEC PERU board attended a Mass for the 90 years of life and 60 of consecrated life of Father Marco Gonzales SBD (religious advisor of OMAEC Peru); He was accompanied by Monsignor Salvador Piñeiro, Bishop of Ayacucho and President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference.