Monsignor Martin Wäingue Bani, former Jesuit student, appointed Bishop of Doba (Chad)

OMAEC’s Correspondent in Chad, Mr. Felix Mbete, informs us regarding the important celebration of the episcopal ordination of the former student from the St. Joseph of Donia College, CCL and from the Institute Admed Mangué of Sarh, Monsignor Martin Wäingue Bani. The president of the ACCL Executive Council offered an emotional speech which main message (more…)

Message from the Ecclesiastical Assistant

Dear alumni from the Catholic Schools in the world, associations related with OMAEC: By means of the present letter, I want to send you a greeting and express my best wishes to be, anywhere in the world that we are, a simple expression that the seed sowed in our beloved schools, today gives fruit of (more…)

Paraguayan Confederation

We welcome the CONPAEEC – Paraguayan Confederation of Associations of Former Students of Catholic Education, presided over by Mrs. Graciela Radice, as a new member of the OMAEC

OMAEC Executive Council meets in Madrid

During February 11 and 12, 2017, the Executive Council (EC) met in Madrid; it is their first meeting after the restructure and amendment of the By-Laws approved in the Extraordinary General Assembly of Paris (April 9 and 10, 2016). Attended the following members: Mr. José Antonio Cecilia, Chairman Monsignor Luis Argüello, Ecclesiastical Assistant Mr. José (more…)

emergency: MOZAMBIQUE

Mangunde is an area or circumscription, located on the outskirts of the SOFALA region in the African country of Mozambique. He has a delegation in the OMAEC (World Organization of Pupils of Catholic Schools) where the Correspondent is Mr. José Zacarias. Together with the local parish, it has developed several social activities, with specific interventions (more…)

Meeting of the Executive Council

The Executive Council of OMAEC will meet in Madrid (Spain) on February 11&12, 2017 with various topics to be discussed; We highlight the most important: The new Ecclesiastical Assistant Strategic Plan of the OMAEC Preparation 15th Congress of the OMAEC in Rome


Following the Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee in Antananarivo (Madagascar) earlier this month, here are some of the main results: A new communication strategy was approved, including the launching of the new UMAEL website early next year and the creation of a regular news bulletin. • Reinforcement of the use of social media to (more…)

Italy – Encounter of Young Past Pupils

Zafferana Etnea, Italy – August 2016 – From August 4th to 7th, in Zafferana Etnea, close to Catania, 35 young people discussed on the role of the youth in the Italian Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Guided by the national Delegate, Fr. Gianni Russo,and by the Vice-President for the Young, Matteo Lai, they (more…)

OMAEC – Ecclesiastical Assistant

The Spanish Episcopal Conference, in session No. 411 dated November 10, 2016, approved the appointment of Monsignor Luis Argüello García, as Ecclesiastical Assistant of the OMAEC According to the By-Laws (article 19), OMAEC should have an Ecclesiastical Assistant and for several years has been vacant since the death of Fr Salvatore Borgomeo SJ in 2009. (more…)