World Fair Trade Day” is celebrated on May 9th.
What is Fair Trade?
It is a system of trade based on solidarity and alternative to the conventional trade, which aims at the development of countries development and fight against poverty. It is based on: Adequate working conditions and decent wages for producers in the South, allowing them to live with dignity. No exploitation of children.
The 10 Fair Trade Principles are:
1. Creation of opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers.
2. Transparency and accountability
3. Fair Trade Practices
4. A fair price
5. No Child Labour or Forced Labour
6. Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equality, women’s economic empowerment and freedom of association.
7. Decent working conditions
8. Capacity building
9. Promotion of Fair Trade
10. Respect for the environment
OMAEC strongly supports Fair Trade; in 2016 there was signed an agreement with the La Salle NGO PROYDE. See news.