Every three years, our Federation organizes in General Assembly which will be held next year at Boston College, Boston, MA, from July 26 to 30, 2021.
Each IFCU General Assembly is a unique occasion to bring together the large family of Catholic universities and have them engage in a broad reflection on essential academic and ecclesial subjects. This time, under the heading “Legacy and transformation in a world of change: Catholic higher education and the future”, we will be thinking about the future of universities in the implementation of their triple mission to teach, research and serve communities and the Church, and on how to carry out this mission in humanistic ways that promote the advent of fairer and more humane world.
Beyond the academic dimension of the meeting, the IFCU General Assembly also constitutes a significant an important milestone in the shaping of the Federation’s governance.
In the coming weeks, a new communication will be made with more information on the provisional program and the registration procedures for this unifying and inspiring event.