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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

Message of Cardinal Versaldi

OMAEC World Congress October 23, 2017

Presentation of His Eminence Card. Giuseppe Versaldi, Prefect for the Congregation for Catholic Educationcardenal versaldi y pte omaec

Challenges of Catholic education in an  interreligious society

In thanking all of you who represent the OMAEC for your attention, with deep conviction I predict you will be ready to understand the challenges of the times. Without losing confidence and seeking adequate solutions through mediation in communion.Never as today – says Pope Francesco – “the task of educating and accompanying the new generations to learn human values and cultivate an evangelical vision of life and history is urgent”! This is just one of the horizons of the evangelizing mission of the Church, towards which the entire Christian community is invited to leave. Continue, for this, without fears in your precious work!

(read full conference)


